“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others”

Hello again, only me.

As I work behind a desk, I am always on the computer, typing or reading or whatever I have to do in between. It’s recently become “a thing” for my eyes to hurt after only a little while on the computer. I don’t know why because my vision is great! I can read well and see things long and short distance.

I used to have to wear glasses when I was in school, only for a while though. I decided not to wear them after a while, they made me feel really insecure about myself *SHOCK HORROR* (remember I was in school, kids are weird)

So yeah, mom booked me a cheeky eye test in and yesterday – the day after pay day – I splashed my cash on some Versace glasses with reactor lenses and also another cheeky pair of Michael Kors glasses. #IRegretNothing

I only need a weak lens as I can see pretty well, but I wanted some sunglasses anyway this payday so thought frick it, I will just sneak in a reactive lens then I can wear them in the sun AND at work. It’s a win win at the end of the day really?

lxbby glasses versace michael kors

lxbby new glasses!

Soooo I am reaaaaaaally exited to get them next week. 🙂 definitely something to take my mind off having Pleurisy (ugh).

Have a wonderful day and I will be back xxxox

“Not all those who wander are lost”

Hello! Long time no speak.

So this week has been all about getting my head down and doing some well needed work, at my job and working on literally everything in general. (Okay that doesn’t make much sense, but basically I have been sorting a lot of stuff out.)

I work for my parents. My parents are self employed for a company called Avon, and have been for a good 12 years now. Over the years they have grown their very own team of Avon representatives and leaders, and now the numbers of leaders and reps are in the thousands. That’s A LOT of people to manage. So that’s where I come in, I write blogs on their Avon website, send out emails, do lots of admin work, sell, help out at meetings, whatever they want – I do it. Some people think it’s a dream job, and I am not gonna lie, it is pretty great!

Now that’s my job covered. My little family consists of a mom, dad, older brother and younger sister, then our 3 dogs: Poppy (my brother’s Beagle), Alfie (my Maltese), and the newest addition Angel (my sister’s Lhasa Apso pup). My perfect family! Anyway, every year we tend to go on a family holiday abroad, and I literally can not stress enough how difficult it is to find a holiday to fit us all! We have been spoilt when it comes to holidays, I mean only last year I went to DisneyWorld Florida for 3 weeks AND Greece for 2 weeks.

lxbby world map and holidays

lxbby world map and holidays

It doesn’t even look like a lot when you pin point the places on a world map, but this is just where I have been, not including the holidays my brother and my parents have been on separately. Then we have to take into consideration where is hot in the months of July / August, direct flights, EBOLA, etc. I say Ebola because I want to go to Morocco, but moms not so keen.

My bucket list:

  • Pig Beach, the Bahamas
  • Four Seasons, Bora Bora
  • Necker Island
  • Fontainebleau, Miami Beach
  • Pink Lake, Western Australia
  • Morocco
  • Jamaica (not in hurricane season!)

So many choices, but nothing in my list screams summer in July / August time – except Morocco, but like I say, mom doesn’t want Ebola. *sigh*


lxbby not all those who wander are lost

lxbby not all those who wander are lost