“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others”

Hello again, only me.

As I work behind a desk, I am always on the computer, typing or reading or whatever I have to do in between. It’s recently become “a thing” for my eyes to hurt after only a little while on the computer. I don’t know why because my vision is great! I can read well and see things long and short distance.

I used to have to wear glasses when I was in school, only for a while though. I decided not to wear them after a while, they made me feel really insecure about myself *SHOCK HORROR* (remember I was in school, kids are weird)

So yeah, mom booked me a cheeky eye test in and yesterday – the day after pay day – I splashed my cash on some Versace glasses with reactor lenses and also another cheeky pair of Michael Kors glasses. #IRegretNothing

I only need a weak lens as I can see pretty well, but I wanted some sunglasses anyway this payday so thought frick it, I will just sneak in a reactive lens then I can wear them in the sun AND at work. It’s a win win at the end of the day really?

lxbby glasses versace michael kors

lxbby new glasses!

Soooo I am reaaaaaaally exited to get them next week. 🙂 definitely something to take my mind off having Pleurisy (ugh).

Have a wonderful day and I will be back xxxox